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Shy in Nepali नेपाली

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Shy in Urdu اُردُو

Shy in English

  • shy
    adj. 1a. uncomfortable in company; bashful; retiring.
    Ex. He is shy and dislikes parties.
    b. showing or resulting from bashfulness.
    Ex. shy looks.
    2. easily frightened away; timid.
    Ex. A deer is a shy animal.
    3. cau

  • shy
    expr. fight shy of. See under fight.

  • shy
    expr. shy away from, to avoid out of shyness or fear; shrink from.
    Ex. Some parents who shy away from a discussion group will feel more freeto chat in a sewing class or furniture repair project (New York Times).

  • shy
    expr. shy of,
    a. having little; short of.
    Ex. I am shy of cash this week.
    b. not coming up to; lacking.
    Ex. My brother is two months shy of being of voting age.

  • shy
    noun a sudden start to one side.

  • shy
    noun shyness.

  • shy
    noun 1. a throw; fling.
    Ex. Jack-in-the-box--three shies a penny (Dickens).
    2. (Informal.) a verbal attack; sarcastic or taunting remark.
    Ex. He wasn't above taking a few shies at his fellow school-board members.
    3. (Informal.)

  • shy
    shy (1), adjective, shyer,shyestorshier,shiest,verb, shied,shying,noun, pl.shies.

  • shy
    shy (2), verb, shied,shying,noun, pl.shies.

  • shy
    v.i. 1. to start back or aside suddenly.
    Ex. The horse shied at the newspaper blowing along the ground.
    2. to draw back; shrink.
    Ex. He would shy in pretended fright at every shadow (New Yorker).

  • shy
    v.t., v.i. to throw; fling.
    Ex. to shy a stone at a tree.

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