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spartan in English

  • Spartan
    adj. 1. of or having to do with Sparta, a city of ancient Greece famous for its soldiers, or its people.
    2. (Figurative.) like the Spartans; simple; frugal; severe,sternly disciplined, brave, and concise.
    Ex. Spartan fortitude, Spartan taste

  • Spartan
    adv. Spartanly.

  • Spartan
    noun 1. a person who was born or lived in Sparta. The Spartans were noted for living simply, saying little, being brave, and enduring pain without complaining.
    2. (Figurative.) a person who is like the Spartans.
    3. a style of sans-serif pri

  • Spartan
    Spartan, adjective, noun.

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